अथाप्युपायो मम देवि चिन्त्य:
सन्तोषितस्य व्रतचर्यया ते ।
ममार्चनं नार्हति गन्तुमन्यथा
श्रद्धानुरूपं फलहेतुकत्वात् ॥
athāpy upāyo mama devi cintyaḥ
santoṣitasya vrata-caryayā te |
mamārcanaṁ nārhati gantum anyathā
śraddhānurūpaṁ phala-hetukatvāt ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 8.17.17)
“[Bhagavān to Aditi:] O Devi, satisfied by your observance of the vrata [i.e., the payo-vrata I prescribed for you], I should now think of a means [to fulfill your desire]. Because it is a cause of results in accord with one’s śraddhā, worship of me should not go otherwise [i.e., should never go in vain or lead to any unbefitting result].”