अथ समस्नेहाः—
कृष्णे स्वप्रियसख्यां च वहन्त्यः कमपि स्फुटम् ।
स्नेहमन्यूनताधिक्यं समस्नेहास्तु भूरिशः ॥
तुल्यप्रमाणकं प्रेम वयन्त्योऽपि द्वयोरिमाः ।
राधाया वयमित्युच्चैरभिमानमुपाश्रिताः ।
परमप्रेष्ठसख्यश्च प्रियसख्यश्च ता मताः ॥
atha sama-snehāḥ—
kṛṣṇe sva-priya-sakhyāṁ ca vahantyaḥ kam api sphuṭam |
sneham anyūnatādhikyaṁ sama-snehās tu bhūriśaḥ ||
tulya-pramāṇakaṁ prema vayantyo’pi dvayor imāḥ |
rādhāyā vayam ity uccair abhimānam upāśritāḥ |
parama-preṣṭha-sakhyaś ca priya-sakhyaś ca tā matāḥ ||
(Ujjvala-nīlamaṇi: 8.135, 137)
“Now, those of equal affection [are described]—
Those who possess indescribable, vivid affection neither lesser nor greater for both Kṛṣṇa and their own dear sakhī are [known as] those of equal affection and highly numerous. … Those who, although they possess prema of equal measure for the pair [i.e., for both their dear sakhī Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa], strongly foster the identity, ‘We are Rādhā’s’ are considered to be the parama-preṣṭha-sakhīs and priya-sakhīs.”