अथ असमस्नेहाः—
अधिकं प्रियसख्यास्तु हरौ तस्यां ततस्तथा ।
वहन्त्यः स्नेहमसमस्नेहास्तु द्विविधा मताः ॥

atha asama-snehāḥ—
adhikaṁ priya-sakhyās tu harau tasyāṁ tatas tathā |
vahantyaḥ sneham asama-snehās tu dvividhā matāḥ ||
(Ujjvala-nīlamaṇi: 8.125)

“Now, those of unequal affection [are described]—
Those of unequal affection are considered to be of two types: those who possess greater affection for their dear sakhī [i.e., their yūtheśvarī] than Hari, and those who possess greater affection for him than her.”


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