अस्माकं तु मतं तत् तेऽनुकम्पां सुसमीक्षमाणः इत्यादिवचनतस्तथा भक्तेरनायाससिद्धत्वश्रवणात्तथा भक्तिरेव भक्तिमुत्पादयति इति न्यायाच्च श्रीभगवत्कृपया तदेकमात्रापेक्षस्य सुखं सम्पद्यते ।

asmākaṁ tu mataṁ tat te’nukampāṁ susamīkṣamāṇaḥ ity-ādi-vacanatas tathā bhakter anāyāsa-siddhatva-śravaṇāt tathā bhaktir eva bhaktim utpādayati iti nyāyāc ca śrī-bhagavat-kṛpayā tad-eka-mātrāpekṣasya sukhaṁ sampadyate |
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta Dig-darśinī­-ṭīkā: 2.2.213)

“Our view, however, is that in accord with statements such as tat te’nukampāṁ susamīkṣamāṇaḥ [in SB 10.14.8], because it is heard that bhakti is established without difficulty, and in accord with the principle that bhakti itself produces bhakti, the happiness [i.e., the superlative happiness of niṣṭhā in bhakti] of one who depends only on him [i.e., Bhagavān] manifests [just by] by the grace of Śrī Bhagavān [i.e., taking up any other process, such as karma or jñāna, for the sake of citta-śuddhi is unnecessary].”


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