अपूर्वोऽयं धनुर्वेदो मन्मथस्य महात्मनः ।
शरीरमक्षतं कृत्वा भिनत्त्यन्तर्गतं मनः ॥
apūrvo’yaṁ dhanur-vedo manmathasya mahātmanaḥ |
śarīram akṣataṁ kṛtvā bhinatty antargataṁ manaḥ ||
(Mahāsubhāṣita-saṅgraha: 2116)
“This archery of mighty Manmatha [lit., ‘the mind-churner,’ i.e., Kāmadeva] is extraordinary: leaving the body uninjured, he pierces the heart within.”
Alternate version
अहो धनुषि नैपुण्यं मन्मथस्य महात्मनः ।
शरीरमक्षतं कृत्वा भिनत्त्यन्तर्गतं मनः ॥
aho dhanuṣi naipuṇyaṁ manmathasya mahātmanaḥ |
śarīram akṣataṁ kṛtvā bhinatty antargataṁ manaḥ ||
(Mahāsubhāṣita-saṅgraha: 4152)
“Aho! Such is mighty Manmatha’s expertise in archery: leaving the body uninjured, he pierces the heart within.”