अनेकशास्त्रं बहुवेदितव्य-
मल्पश्च कालो बहुवश्च विघ्नाः ।
यत्सारभूतं तदुपासितव्यं
हंसो यथा क्षीरमिवाम्भुमध्यात् ॥
aneka-śāstraṁ bahu-veditavyam
alpaś ca kālo bahuvaś ca vighnāḥ |
yat sāra-bhūtaṁ tad upāsitavyaṁ
haṁso yathā kṣīram ivāmbhum adhyāt ||
(Cāṇakya-nīti-darpanam: 15.10)
“There are various texts and so many things to be known. Time is short, and obstacles are numerous. Therefore, the essence is to be appreciated, as a swan can extract milk for the midst of water.”