संसारसिन्धुतरणे हृदयं यदि स्या-
त्सङ्कीर्तनामृतरसे रमते मनश्चेत् ।
प्रेमाम्बुधौ विहरणे यदि चित्तवृत्ति-
श्चैतन्यचन्द्रचरणे शरणं प्रयातु ॥

saṁsāra-sindhu-taraṇe hṛdayaṁ yadi syāt
saṅkīrtanāmṛta-rase ramate manaś cet |
premāmbudhau viharaṇe yadi citta-vṛttiś
caitanyacandra-caraṇe śaraṇaṁ prayātu ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 93)

“If you wish to cross the ocean of saṁsāra, if you desire to relish the rasa of the amṛta of saṅkīrtana, and if you yearn to swim in the ocean of prema, then take shelter at the feet of Caitanyacandra.”


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