रागद्वेषैः प्रमत्तः कलुषयुततनुः कामनाभोगलुब्धः
कार्याकार्याविचारी शुभमतिरहितः साधुसङ्गैर्विहीनः ।
क्व ध्यानं ते क्व पूजा क्व च मनुजपनं नैव किञ्चित्कृतोऽहं
क्षन्तव्यो मेऽपराधः कलिकलुषहर श्रीमुरारे मुकुन्द ॥
rāga-dveṣaiḥ pramattaḥ kaluṣa-yuta-tanuḥ kāmanā-bhoga-lubdhaḥ
kāryākāryāvicārī śubha-mati-rahitaḥ sādhu-saṅgair vihīnaḥ |
kva dhyānaṁ te kva pūjā kva ca manu-japanaṁ naiva kiñcit kṛto’haṁ
kṣantavyo me’parādhaḥ kali-kaluṣa-hara śrī-murāre mukunda ||
(Unknown source)
“Intoxicated by attachment (rāga) and aversion (dveṣa),
Of defiled form,
Covetous of enjoying desired objects,
Indiscriminate of what is to be done and not to be done,
Devoid of good [alt., pure, noble] mind,
And bereft of association with sādhus—
Where is mediation on you?
Where is worship [of you]?
And where is japa of [your] mantra?
I have certainly not performed these at all.
May my offense be forgiven,
O remover of the defilement of Kali!
O Śrī Murāri!
O Mukunda!”