येषां न कारणं वेदा न विप्रा न जनार्दनः ।
तन्त्राणि धर्मशास्त्राणि तेषां वाक्यं विवर्जयेत् ॥
yeṣāṁ na kāraṇaṁ vedā na viprā na janārdanaḥ |
tantrāṇi dharma-śāstrāṇi teṣāṁ vākyaṁ vivarjayet ||
(Viṣṇu Rahasya; Kūrma Purāṇa; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 12.417)
“Reject the statements of the tantras and dharma-śāstra which do not have the authority of the Vedas, brāhmaṇas, and Janārdana.”
vedādayā na kāraṇaṁ pramāṇam | tantrāṇi āgama-śāstrāṇi ||
“‘The authority of the Vedas and so forth’ means the pramāṇa [i.e., their being a means of valid knowledge]. ‘Tantras’ refers to the Āgama śāstras.”