येनासाधारणाशक्ताधमबुद्धिः सदात्मनि ।
सर्वोत्कर्षान्वितेऽपि स्याद्बुधैस्तद्दैन्यमिष्यते ॥

yenāsādhāraṇāśaktādhama-buddhiḥ sadātmani |
sarvotkarṣānvite’pi syād budhais tad dainyam iṣyate ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.5.222)

“That by which a sense of being exceptionally incapable and lowly can exist continuously in the mind even when one is endowed with all excellence [i.e., all types of virtues] is called humility (dainya) by the wise [i.e., humility is not simply poverty, forsaking possessions, being possessionless, or pridelessness].”


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