यस्य श्रीभगवत्प्राप्तावत्कटच्छा यतो भवेत् ।
स तत्रैव लभेतामुं न तु वासोऽस्य लाभकृत् ॥
yasya śrī-bhagavat-prāptāv utkaṭecchā yato bhavet |
sa tatraiva labhetāmuṁ na tu vāso’sya lābha-kṛt ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 1.4.34)
[Prahlāda to Nārada:] “Where one may develop intense desire to attain Śrī Bhagavān, there itself [i.e., only there] one can attain him, and his residence, on the contrary, does not cause attainment [of him].”
utkaṭecchā lālasādhikyaṁ premautkaṇṭhyam iti yāvat, na tu icchā-mātram | … anyathā śrī-vāsudevasya sarvatraiva vāsāt sarveṣām eva sarvatrāpi tat-prāptiḥ syāt | ato viśvāso’pi tat prāpty-utkaṭecchayaiva bhavatīti bhāvaḥ |
(Excerpt from the Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā)
“Intense desire” (utkaṭa-icchā) means deep longing and ultimately the yearning of prema, and not rather mere desire [i.e., just a mild desire to attain him]. … Otherwise [i.e., if it were not the case that he is attained only where and when he is intensely desired], then attainment of him would be had by everyone everywhere as Śrī Vāsudeva’s residence certainly exists everywhere. Therefore, even faith [i.e., the generally understood principal cause of attaining him, as described in the previous verse] comes about only by intense desire to attain him. This is the purport.”