यस्मात्प्रमथसे तत्त्वं जातोस्माकं यथा विधेः ।
तस्मान्मन्मथनामा त्वं लोके ख्यातो भविष्यसि ॥
जगत्सु कामरूपस्त्वं त्वत्समो न हि विद्यते ।
अतस्त्वं कामनामापि ख्यातो भव मनोभव ॥
मदनान्मदनाख्यस्त्वं जातो दर्पात्सदर्पकः ।
तस्मात्कंदर्पनामापि लोके ख्यातो भविष्यसि ॥

yasmāt pramathase tattvaṁ jātosmākaṁ yathā vidheḥ |
tasmān manmatha-nāmā tvaṁ loke khyāto bhaviṣyasi ||
jagatsu kāma-rūpas tvaṁ tvat-samo na hi vidyate |
atas tvaṁ kāma-nāmāpi khyāto bhava manobhava ||
madanān madanākhyas tvaṁ jāto darpāt sadarpakaḥ |
tasmāt kandarpa-nāmāpi loke khyāto bhaviṣyasi ||
(Śiva Purāṇa:–6)

“Since you ever intensely churn [alt., agitate, or, harass] the psyche of ourselves as [you do so] of Brahmā [too], you will be known in the world by the name Manmatha [lit., ‘Mind-churner’]. There is no one in the universe equal to you, you who have a form of desire (kāma) [i.e., you who can assume any form you so desire]. Thus, you shall be known by the name Kāma [i.e., ‘Desire’] too, O you whose birth occurs in the mind. You are known as Madana [i.e., ‘Impassioning’] because of [your being] impassioning [of others], and, born of pride, you are possessed of pride. Thus, you will be known by the name Kandarpa too.”


Regarding the name Kandarpa, the Kathā-sarit-sāgara (3.6.64) states:

कं दर्पयामीति मदाज्जातमात्रो जगाद च ।
तेन कन्दर्पनामानं तं चकार चतुर्मुखः ॥

kaṁ darpayāmīti madāj jāta-mātro jagāda ca |
tena kandarpa-nāmānaṁ taṁ cakāra caturmukhaḥ ||

“And just born [from Brahmā] out passion, he said, ‘Whom (kam) shall I make proud (darpayāmi)?’ Thus, Brahmā created that name Kandarpa [i.e., ‘whom’ (kam) proud (darpa)’].”

Another etymology of the name Kandarpa based on the idea that Kāmadeva exerts his influence even over Brahmā himself, as was stated in the first verse above, is “he who is a cause of pride [i.e., passion] (darpa) for Brahmā (kam).”


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