यद्यत्नतः शमदमात्मविवेकयोगै-
रध्यात्मलग्नमविकारमभून्मनो मे ।
रूपस्य तत्स्मितसुधं सदयावलोक-
मासाद्य माद्यति हरेश्चरितैरिदानीम् ॥
yad yatnataḥ śama-damātma-viveka-yogair
adhyātma-lagnam avikāram abhūn mano me |
rūpasya tat-smita-sudhaṁ sadayāvalokam
āsādya mādyati hareś caritair idānīm ||
(Stavāvalī: Abhīṣṭa-sūcana, 2)
“Because of whose care my mind, through equipoise [i.e., fixity upon Bhagavān], restraint [of the senses], discernment [i.e., discrimination between the self and non-self], and yoga [i.e., meditation], became fixed in the higher self [i.e., Bhagavān] and undisturbed [by lust, anger, and so forth]—by receiving now the nectar of that Rūpa’s smile and [his] gracious glance, my mind becomes maddened by the acts of Hari!”