आददानस्तृणं दन्तैरिदं याछे पुनः पुनः ।
श्रीमद्रूपपदाम्भोजधूलिः स्यां जन्मजन्मनि ॥

ādadānas tṛṇaṁ dantair idaṁ yāche punaḥ punaḥ |
śrīmad rūpa-padāmbhoja-dhūliḥ syāṁ janma-janmani ||

[Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmī:] “Taking a blade of grass between my teeth, I pray again and again, ‘May I be a speck of dust at the lotus feet of Śrīmad Rūpa birth after birth.‘”


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