विधर्म: परधर्मश्च आभास उपमा छल: ।
अधर्मशाखा: पञ्चेमा धर्मज्ञोऽधर्मवत्त्यजेत् ॥
धर्मबाधो विधर्म: स्यात्परधर्मोऽन्यचोदित: ।
उपधर्मस्तु पाखण्डो दम्भो वा शब्दभिच्छल: ॥
यस्त्विच्छया कृत: पुम्भिराभासो ह्याश्रमात्पृथक् ।
स्वभावविहितो धर्म: कस्य नेष्ट: प्रशान्तये ॥

vidharmaḥ para-dharmaś ca ābhāsa upamā chalaḥ |
adharma-śākhāḥ pañcemā dharma-jño’dharmavat tyajet ||
dharma-bādho vidharmaḥ syāt para-dharmo’nya-coditaḥ |
upadharmas tu pākhaṇḍo dambho vā śabda-bhic chalaḥ ||
yas tv icchayā kṛtaḥ pumbhir ābhāso hy āśramāt pṛthak |
svabhāva-vihito dharmaḥ kasya neṣṭaḥ praśāntaye ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 7.15.12–14)

“Vidharma, para-dharma, ābhāsa, upamā (upadharma), and chala—a knower of dharma should avoid these five branches of adharma, which are indeed [also] adharma. That which [although performed with the idea that it is dharma in actuality] opposes dharma is vidharma [“contrary dharma”]. That which is enjoined for others is para-dharma [“another’s dharma”]. Heresy and pretension are upadharma [“apparent dharma”]. Distortion of [the intended meaning of] words [in śāstra] is chala [“deceit”]. That done by one’s own wish which is contrary to one’s āśrama is ābhāsa [“a semblance of dharma”]. For whom is the dharma enjoined by one’s svabhāva incapable of pacification [i.e., who will not find peace by adhering to their own dharma]?”


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