उत्साहमयी घनतरला व्यूढविकल्पा विषयसङ्गरा नियमाक्षमा तरङ्गरङ्गिणीति षड्विधा भवन्तीति ।

utsāhamayī ghana-taralā vyūḍha-vikalpā viṣaya-saṅgarā niyamākṣamā taraṅga-raṅgiṇīti ṣaḍ-vidhā bhavantīti |
(Mādhurya-kādambinī: 2.5)

“(1) Utsāhamayī: [being] filled with [initial, superficial] excitement, (2) ghana-taralā [lit., ‘thick-thin’]: inconsistent endeavor, (3) vyūḍha-vikalpā: prolonged indecision, (4) viṣaya-saṅgarā: struggle with the objects of the senses, (5) niyamākṣamā: inability to adhere to regulations, and (6) taraṅga-raṅginī: [lit., ‘sporting in the waves’] enjoying the byproducts of bhakti [e.g., personal gain and prestige] are the six types [of unfixed (aniṣṭhita) bhajana-kriyā.”


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