तस्मादवैदिकानां च देवानामर्चनं त्यजेत् ।
स्वतन्त्रपूजनं यत्र वैदिकानामपि त्यजेत् ॥
अर्चयित्वा जगद्वन्द्यं देवं नारायणं हरिम् ।
तदावरणसंस्थानं देवस्य परितोऽर्चयेत् ॥
हरेर्भुक्तावशेषेण बलिं तेभ्यो विनिःक्षिपेत् ।
होमं चैव प्रकुर्वीत तच्छेषेणैव वैष्णवः ॥
tasmād avaidikānāṁ ca devānām arcanaṁ tyajet |
svatantra-pūjanaṁ yatra vaidikānām api tyajet ||
arcayitvā jagad-vandyaṁ devaṁ nārāyaṇaṁ harim |
tad-āvaraṇa-saṁsthānaṁ devasya parito’rcayet ||
harer bhuktāvaśeṣeṇa baliṁ tebhyo viniḥkṣipet |
homaṁ caiva prakurvīta tac-cheṣeṇaiva vaiṣṇavaḥ ||
(Padma Purāṇa: 6.253.104-7; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 285)
“Therefore, furthermore, one should reject worship of non-Vedic devas, and one should reject independent worship even of the Vedic [devas]. After worshiping the Deva honorable to the [entire] world [i.e., the Deva worthy of the worship even of all the other devas], that is, Nārāyaṇa, Hari, one should worship the multitude of entourages around the Deva. A Vaiṣṇava should present them [i.e., these aprākṛta devatās of Vaikuṇṭha present at the yogapīṭha] an offering with Hari’s food remnants and make an oblation [for them] only with his remnants.”