Śrī Śrī Govardhana-vāsa-prārthanā-daśakam
Ten verses in prayer for a dwelling near Śrī Govardhana
By Śrīmad Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmīpāda
श्रीगोवर्द्धनपादपद्मेभ्यो नमः ।
śrī-govardhana-pāda-padmebhyo namaḥ |
Obeisance unto the lotus feet of Śrī Govardhana.
निजपतिभुजदण्डच्छत्रभावं प्रपद्य
प्रतिहतमदधृष्टोद्दण्डदेवेन्द्रगर्व ।
अतुलपृथुलशैलश्रेणिभूप प्रियं मे
निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥१॥
nija-pati-bhuja-daṇḍa-cchatra-bhāvaṁ prapadya
pratihata-mada-dhṛṣṭoddaṇḍa-devendra-garva |
atula-pṛthula-śaila-śreṇi-bhūpa priyaṁ me
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||1||
O you who have attained the position of an umbrella atop the staff of the arm of your master and crushed the pride of the mad, arrogant, and impudent king of the devas [i.e., Indra]! O you who are the incomparable king of all great mountains! May you please give me a dear dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
प्रमदमदनलीलाः कन्दरे कन्दरे ते
रचयति नवयूनोर्द्वन्द्वमस्मिन्नमन्दम् ।
इति किल कलनार्थं लग्नकस्तद्द्वयोर्मे
निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥२॥
pramada-madana-līlāḥ kandare kandare te
racayati nava-yūnor dvandvam asminn amandam |
iti kila kalanārthaṁ lagnakas tad-dvayor me
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||2||
The Pair of fresh youths liberally enact līlās of madden love in these caves of yours. Thus, for the sake of my beholding that Pair [so engaged upon you], may you please become an intermediary and give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
रुहझरदरसानुद्रोणिसङ्घेषु रङ्गैः ।
सह बलसखिभिः सङ्खेलयन्स्वप्रियं मे
निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥३॥
ruha-jhara-dara-sānu-droṇi-saṅgheṣu raṅgaiḥ |
saha bala-sakhibhiḥ saṅkhelayan sva-priyaṁ me
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||3||
Having induced your beloved [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa] to play with Bala [i.e., Balarāma] and your delighted friends amidst your trees, brooks, caves, plateaus, valleys, and jeweled thrones in the form of your incomparable jeweled terraces, may you please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
रसनिधिनवयूनोः साक्षिणीं दानकेले-
र्द्युतिपरिमलविद्धां श्यामवेदीं प्रकाश्य ।
रसिकवरकुलानां मोदमास्फालयन्मे
निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥४॥
rasa-nidhi-nava-yūnoḥ sākṣiṇīṁ dāna-keler
dyuti-parimala-viddhāṁ śyāma-vedīṁ prakāśya |
rasika-vara-kulānāṁ modam āsphālayan me
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||4||
Having manifested the deep blue, lustrous, and fragrant terrace that witnesses the fare-play of the two fresh Youths, who are an ocean of rasa, and having [thus] delighted the best among relishers of rasa, may you please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
हरिदयितमपूर्वं राधिकाकुण्डमात्म-
प्रियसखमिह कण्ठे नर्मणालिङ्ग्य गुप्तः ।
नवयुवयुगखेलास्तत्र पश्यन्रहो मे
निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥५॥
hari-dayitam apūrvaṁ rādhikā-kuṇḍam ātma-
priya-sakham iha kaṇṭhe narmaṇāliṅgya guptaḥ |
nava-yuva-yuga-khelās tatra paśyan raho me
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||5||
Having playfully embraced here around the neck your own dear friend Rādhā Kuṇḍa, the incomparable favourite of Hari, hidden in a secluded place there [beside her], and observed the plays of the fresh Youths, may you please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
स्थलजलतलशष्पैर्भूरुहच्छायया च
प्रतिपदमनुकालं हन्त सम्वर्धयन्गाः ।
त्रिजगति निजगोत्रं सार्थकं ख्यापयन्मे
निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥६॥
sthala-jala-tala-śaṣpair bhūruhac-chāyayā ca
prati-padam anukālaṁ hanta samvardhayan gāḥ |
tri-jagati nija-gotraṁ sārthakaṁ khyāpayan me
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||6||
Hanta! Having continuously nourished in full the cows at every step with your land, water, plains, and grass, and the shade of your trees, and thus made known the fulfilment of your name throughout the three worlds, may you please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
Commentary: The name Govardhana literally means “nourisher (vardhana) of cows (go).”
सुरपतिकृतदीर्घद्रोहतो गोष्ठरक्षां
तव नवगृहरूपस्यान्तरे कुर्वतैव ।
अघबकरिपुणोच्छैर्दत्तमान द्रुतं मे
निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥७॥
sura-pati-kṛta-dīrgha-drohato goṣṭha-rakṣāṁ
tava nava-gṛha-rūpasyāntare kurvataiva |
agha-baka-ripuṇocchair datta-māna drutaṁ me
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||7||
O you who were highly honoured by the Enemy of Agha and Baka [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa] as he protected his community from the long attack made by the king of the suras [i.e., Indra] beneath your form as their new home! May you please quickly give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
गिरिनृप हरिदासश्रेणिवर्येति नामा-
मृतमिदमुदितं श्रीराधिकावक्त्रचन्द्रात् ।
व्रजनवतिलकत्वे कॢप्त वेदैः स्फुटं मे
निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥८॥
giri-nṛpa hari-dāsa-śreṇi-varyeti nāmā-
mṛtam idam uditaṁ śrī-rādhikā-vaktra-candrāt |
vraja-nava-tilakatve kḷpta vedaiḥ sphuṭaṁ me
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||8||
O king of mountains! O you who were vividly established by the Vedas as the new tilak of Vraja when the nectar of this name [of yours] Hari-dāsa-varya [i.e,. “he who is the best Hari’s servants”] came forth from the moon of Śrī Rādhikā’s mouth! May you please give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
व्रजनरपशुपक्षिव्रातसौख्यैकदातः ।
अगणितकरुणत्वान्मामुरीकृत्य तान्तं
निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥९॥
vraja-nara-paśu-pakṣi-vrāta-saukhyaika-dātaḥ |
agaṇita-karuṇatvān mām urīkṛtya tāntaṁ
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||9||
Because of [your] being immeasurably compassionate and [being] the foremost giver of happiness to the people, animals, and birds of Vraja imbued with the rasa of friendship with Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa attended by their companions, may you please accept me, who am wearied, and give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
निरुपधिकरुणेन श्रीशचीनन्दनेन
त्वयि कपटिशठोऽपि त्वत्प्रियेणार्पितोऽस्मि ।
इति खलु मम योग्यायोग्यतां तामगृह्ण-
न्निजनिकटनिवासं देहि गोवर्द्धन त्वम् ॥१०॥
nirupadhi-karuṇena śrī-śacī-nandanena
tvayi kapaṭi-śaṭho’pi tvat-priyeṇārpito’smi |
iti khalu mama yogyāyogyatāṁ tām agṛhṇan
nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam ||10||
Although I am crooked and deceitful, I have been given to you by your dear one, the unconditionally compassionate Son of Śrī Śacī. So, may you please do not judge my fitness and unfitness, and give me a dwelling near you, O Govardhana!
रसददशकमस्य श्रीलगोवर्द्धनस्य
क्षितिधरकुलभर्तुर्यः प्रयत्नादधीते ।
स सपदि सुखदेऽस्मिन्वासमासाद्य साक्षा-
च्छुभदयुगलसेवारत्नमाप्नोति तूर्णम् ॥११॥
rasada-daśakam asya śrīla-govardhanasya
kṣiti-dhara-kula-bhartur yaḥ prayatnād adhīte |
sa sapadi sukhade’smin vāsam āsādya sākṣāc
chubhada-yugala-sevā-ratnam āpnoti tūrṇam ||11||
One who carefully studies this relishable poem of ten verses about the king of mountains, Śrīla Govardhana, soon receives a dwelling at this joyous place and quickly attains the auspicious jewel of personal service to the Couple.
Stavāvalī edition by Śrī Rāma Nārāyaṇa Vidyāratna.