

dyuti-nīrājita-pāda-paṅkajānta |
api mukta-kulair upāsyamānaṁ
paritas tvāṁ hari-nāma saṁśrayāmi ||
(Stava-mālā: Nāmāṣṭaka, 1)

“O you the tips of whose lotus feet are worshiped by the radiances of the jewel-necklaces of the foremost of the Śrutis! O name of Hari! In all respects, I take shelter fully in you, who are worshiped even by the liberated.”

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In Praise of Bliss: a hymn of twenty names of Śrī Krṣṇa

By Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmīpāda

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devācāryaṁ yaṁ viduḥ sat-kavitve

devācāryaṁ yaṁ viduḥ sat-kavitve
pārāśaryaṁ tattva-vāde mahāntaḥ |
śṛṅgārārtha-vyañjane vyāsa-sūnuṁ
sa śrī-rūpaḥ pātu no bhṛtya-vargān ||
(Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa’s Stava-mālā-ṭīkā: Maṅgalācaraṇa, 3)

“Whom the mahāntas know
As the divine ācārya in fine poetry (kavitva),
As the son of Parāśara [i.e., Vyāsadeva] in discussion of tattva,
And as the son of Vyāsa [i.e., Śukadeva] in manifesting the meaning of śṛṅgāra [i.e., madhura-rasa]—
May he, Śrī Rūpa,
Protect us,
His servants.”

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sanātanaṁ rūpam ihopadarśayann

sanātanaṁ rūpam ihopadarśayann
ānanda-sindhuṁ paritaḥ pravardhayan |
antas-tamaḥ-stoma-haraḥ sa rājatāṁ
caitanya-rūpo vidhur adbhutodayaḥ ||
(Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa’s Stava-mālā-ṭīkā: Maṅgalācaraṇa, 2)

“The Dispeller of the mass of inner darkness,
The Moon of astonishing arising,
He of conscious (caitanya) form [i.e., Svayaṁ Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa],
Manifesting an eternal (sanātanaṁ) form (rūpaṁ) here [i.e., in this world during his avatāra],
And causing an ocean of bliss to swell in all directions.”

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dainyārṇave nimagno’smi mantu-grāva-bharārditaḥ

dainyārṇave nimagno’smi mantu-grāva-bharārditaḥ |
duṣṭe kāruṇya-pārīṇa mayi kṛṣṇa kṛpāṁ kuru ||
ādhāro’py aparādhānām aviveka-hato’py aham |
tvat-kāruṇya-pratīkṣo’smi prasīda mayi mādhava ||
(Stava-mālā: Praṇāma-praṇaya-stava, 13–14)

“I am immersed in an ocean of distress and burdened by the weight of the stone of my offenses [which is shackled to me as I flounder]. O Adept in compassion! O Kṛṣṇa! Please bestow your grace upon my wicked self. Although I am a repository of aparādhas, and although I am blighted by indiscrimination, I wait [expectantly] for your compassion. Please bestow your grace upon me.”

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