हा हन्त चित्तभुवि मे परमोषरायां
सद्भक्तिकल्पलतिकाङ्कुरिता कथं स्यात् ।
हृद्येकमेव परमाश्वसनीयमस्ति
चैतन्यनाम कलयन्न कदापि शोच्यः ॥

hā hanta citta-bhuvi me paramoṣarāyāṁ
sad-bhakti-kalpa-latikāṅkuritā kathaṁ syāt |
hṛdy ekam eva paramāśvasanīyam asti
caitanya-nāma kalayan na kadāpi śocyaḥ ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 53)

“Hā! Hanta! [lsy., Oh! Alas!] How will the wish-fulfilling creeper of pure bhakti sprout within the utterly barren land of my consciousness? There is only one source of great hope within my heart: by chanting the name of Caitanya no reason to lament can ever remain.”


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