शक्तिग्रहो व्याकरणोपमान-
कोषाप्तवाक्याद्व्यवहारतश्च ।
वाक्यस्य शेषाद्विवृतेर्वदन्ति
सान्निध्यतः सिद्धपदस्य वृद्धाः ॥

śakti-graho vyākaraṇopamāna-
koṣāpta-vākyād vyavahārataś ca |
vākyasya śeṣād vivṛter vadanti
sānnidhyataḥ siddha-padasya vṛddhāḥ ||
(Unknown source; cited in the Amṛta-ṭīkā on Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa: 924)

“The learned say that comprehension of the force (śakti) [i.e., the meaning] of a declined word comes from grammar, comparison, dictionaries, the statement of a reliable person, common usage, the remainder [i.e., the word(s) implied but not stated] in a [elliptical] sentence, and commentaries.”


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