प्रेमलीलाविहाराणां सम्यग्विस्तारिका सखी ।
विश्रम्भरत्नपेटी च ततः सुष्ठु विविच्यते ॥
prema-līlā-vihārāṇāṁ samyag vistārikā sakhī |
viśrambha-ratna-peṭī ca tataḥ suṣṭhu vivicyate ||
(Ujjvala-nīlamaṇi: 8.1)
“One who fully expands [i.e., makes known and enhances] the sport, play, and prema [of the nāyikā and nāyaka], and is a casket of the jewel of intimate confidence is [called] a sakhī. Thus, sakhīs will now be aptly described.”