कल्पागा अमृताम्बुधेर्झषवराः प्रेमाम्बुधेश्चातका
मेघस्यामृतपायिनो वरविधोः पद्मानि चण्डत्विषः ।
भृङ्गाः पद्मवनस्य नाकसदना विष्णोर्महान्तो हि ते
भक्ता गौरहरेः परं मयि कृपां कुर्वन्त्वनन्यगतौ ॥
kalpāgā amṛtāmbudher jhaṣa-varāḥ premāmbudheś cātakā
meghasyāmṛta-pāyino vara-vidhoḥ padmāni caṇḍa-tviṣaḥ |
bhṛṅgāḥ padma-vanasya nāka-sadanā viṣṇor mahānto hi te
bhaktā gaurahareḥ paraṁ mayi kṛpāṁ kurvantv ananya-gatau ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.16)
“O desire-trees along the ocean of nectar! O topmost fish in the ocean of prema! O cātakās of the cloud [of mādhurya]! O drinkers of nectar from the best of moons [of prema]! O lotuses under the hot sun [of saṅkīrtana]! O bees in the lotus cluster [of bhāva]! O [you who resemble] sky-abodes of Viṣṇu! O great ones! O bhaktas of Gaurahari! Please bestow your abundant grace upon me. I have no other shelter.”