इतरपापफलानि यथेच्छया
वितर तानि सहे चतुरानन ।
अरसिकेषु कवित्वनिवेदनं
शिरसि मा लिख मा लिख मा लिख ॥
itara-pāpa-phalāni yathecchayā
vitara tāni sahe caturānana |
arasikeṣu kavitva-nivedanaṁ
śirasi mā likha mā likha mā likha ||
“I shall bear [all] those other reactions to my sins you allocate as per your wish, O Brahmā. Just do not write, do not write, do not write on my forehead, “Presenting poetics to the tasteless.”
Alternate version
itara-tāpa-śatāni yathecchayā
vitara tāni sahe caturānana |
arasike tu rasasya nivedanaṁ
śirasi mā likha mā likha mā likha ||
“I shall bear hundreds of other hardships you allocate as per your wish, O Brahmā. But do not write, do not write, do not write on my forehead, “Presenting rasa to the tasteless (arasika).”