दत्वा यः कमपि प्रसादमथ सम्भाष्य स्मितश्रीमुखं
दूरात्स्निग्धदृशा निरीक्ष्य च महाप्रेमोत्सवं यच्छति ।
येषां हन्त कुतर्ककर्कशधियां तत्रापि नात्यादरः
साक्षात्पूर्णरसावतारिणि हरौ दुष्टा अमी केवलम् ॥

datvā yaḥ kam api prasādam atha sambhāṣya smita-śrī-mukhaṁ
dūrāt snigdha-dṛśā nirīkṣya ca mahāpremotsavaṁ yacchati |
yeṣāṁ hanta kutarka-karkaśa-dhiyāṁ tatrāpi nātyādaraḥ
sākṣāt pūrṇa-rasāvatāriṇi harau duṣṭā amī kevalam ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 45)

“Bestowing grace upon anyone, he converses with them with a beautiful smiling face, looks at them from afar with an affectionate glance, and offers them a festival of the greatest prema. Alas! Those of quibbling and harsh mind who do not deeply adore him, Hari himself, the revealer of the ultimate rasa, are simply depraved.”


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