गुरुर्न स स्यात्स्वजनो न स स्या-
त्पिता न स स्याज्जननी न सा स्यात् ।
दैवं न तत्स्यान्न पतिश्च स स्या-
न्न मोचयेद्य: समुपेतमृत्युम् ॥
gurur na sa syāt svajano na sa syāt
pitā na sa syāj jananī na sā syāt |
daivaṁ na tat syān na patiś ca sa syān
na mocayed yaḥ samupeta-mṛtyum ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 5.5.18)
“One who cannot save you [i.e., a dependent] from impending death [i.e., saṁsāra] should not be a guru, should not be a relative, should not be a father, should not be a mother, should not be a devatā, and should not be a husband.”
Alternate translations
“He should not be a guru, he should not be a relative, he should not be a father, she should not be a mother, he should not be a devatā, and he should not be a husband who cannot save you [i.e., a dependent] from impending death [i.e., saṁsāra].”
“That guru is no guru, that relative is no relative, that father is no father, that mother is no mother, that devatā is no devatā, and that husband is no husband, who cannot save you [i.e., a dependent] from impending death [i.e., saṁsāra].”