गोविन्दाभिधमिन्दिराश्रितपदं हस्तस्थरत्नादिव-
त्तत्त्वं तत्त्वविदुत्तमौ क्षितितले यौ दर्शयां चक्रतुः ।
मायावादमहान्धकारपटलीसत्पुष्पवन्तौ सदा
तौ श्रीरूपसनातनौ विरचिताश्चर्यौ सुवर्यौ स्तुमः ॥
govindābhidham indirāśrita-padaṁ hastastha-ratnādivat
tattvaṁ tattva-vid-uttamau kṣiti-tale yau darśayāṁ cakratuḥ |
māyāvāda-mahāndhakāra-paṭalī-sat-puṣpavantau sadā
tau śrī-rūpa-sanātanau viracitāścaryau suvaryau stumaḥ ||
(Siddhānta-ratna: 1.4; Ṭīkā on Tattva Sandarbha: 1)
“The two foremost knowers of the Absolute
On the surface of the earth
Who have revealed the Absolute
Known as Govinda
Whose feet are the shelter of Indirā (Lakṣmī)
Like a jewel or otherwise present in their hands;
The illustrious sun and moon
Against the covering
Of the dense darkness of māyāvāda;
They who have [thus] performed [alt., composed] wonders
And are [thereby] most exalted—
We perpetually praise these two:
Śrī Rūpa and Śrī Sanātana.”