एवं बहुसवं कालं महात्माविचलेन्द्रिय: ।
त्रिवर्गौपयिकं नीत्वा पुत्रायादान्नृपासनम् ॥ 
मन्यमान इदं विश्वं मायारचितमात्मनि ।
अविद्यारचितस्वप्नगन्धर्वनगरोपमम् ॥
आत्मस्त्र्यपत्यसुहृदो बलमृद्धकोश-
मन्त:पुरं परिविहारभुवश्च रम्या: ।
भूमण्डलं जलधिमेखलमाकलय्य
कालोपसृष्टमिति स प्रययौ विशालाम् ॥

evaṁ bahu-savaṁ kālaṁ mahātmāvicalendriyaḥ |
tri-vargaupayikaṁ nītvā putrāyādān nṛpāsanam ||
manyamāna idaṁ viśvaṁ māyā-racitam ātmani |
avidyā-racita-svapna-gandharva-nagaropamam ||
ātma-stry-apatya-suhṛdo balam ṛddha-kośam
antaḥ-puraṁ parivihāra-bhuvaś ca ramyāḥ |
bhū-maṇḍalaṁ jaladhi-mekhalam ākalayya
kālopasṛṣṭam iti sa prayayau viśālām ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 4.12.14–15)

“After passing many years of time conducive to tri-varga [i.e., dharma, artha, and kāma], he of exalted ātmā [i.e., pure citta] and unwavering senses [i.e., Dhruva] gave the king’s seat to his son. Considering this world to be superimposed by māyā onto the ātmā and comparable to a city of Gandharvas fabricated by ignorance, and regarding the ātmā [i.e., the body], wives, children, friends, power [i.e., horses, elephants, soldiers, etc.], treasuries, inner chambers, beautiful parks, and the earth girdled by the oceans to be seized by time [i.e., invariably subject to destruction], he went to Viśālā [i.e. Badarikāśrama].”


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