द्विजस्त्रीणां भक्ते मृदुनि विदुरान्ने व्रजगवां
दधिक्षीरे सख्युः स्फुटचिपिटमृष्टौ मुररिपो ।
यशोदायाः स्तन्ये व्रजयुवतिदत्ते मधुनि ते
यथासीदामोदस्तमयमुपहारेऽपि कुरुताम् ॥

dvija-strīṇāṁ bhakte mṛduni vidurānne vraja-gavāṁ
dadhi-kṣīre sakhyuḥ sphuṭa-cipiṭa-mṛṣṭau mura-ripo |
yaśodāyāḥ stanye vraja-yuvati-datte madhuni te
yathāsīd āmodas tam ayam upahāre’pi kurutām ||
(Attributed to Śrī Rāmānuja; cited in Padyāvalī: 116)

“O Enemy of Mura,
As you delighted in the food of the brāhmaṇa’s wives,
The meager meal from Vidura,
The yoghurt and milk of the cows of Vraja,
The handful of broken, flat rice from your friend [i.e., Sudāmā],
The breastmilk of Yaśodā,
And the sweets offered by the young girls of Vraja,
So may you do so [i.e., may you delight]
In this offering as well.”


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