दुष्कृतोत्थाः दुरभिनिवेशद्वेषरागाद्याः पूर्वोक्ताः क्लेशा एव ।
duṣkṛtotthāḥ durabhiniveśa-dveṣa-rāgādyāḥ pūrvoktāḥ kleśā eva |
(Mādhurya-kādambinī: 3.1)
“Anarthas arising from misdeeds are the [five] aforementioned afflictions: (1) durabhiniveśa, troublesome absorption [in the objects of the senses; alt., fear of death]; dveṣa, aversion [to that which opposes one’s desires]; rāga, attachment [to that which facilitates one’s desires]; and so forth [i.e., asmitā, identification (with a false senses of self), and avidyā, ignorance (of the true self)].”