धर्मोऽथ पापनिचयः श्रुतयस्तपांसि
ब्रह्मादिकीटपतगावधयश्च जीवाः ।
गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि ॥

dharmo’tha pāpa‑nicayaḥ śrutayas tapāṁsi
brahmādi‑kīṭa‑patagāvadhayaś ca jīvāḥ |
govindam ādi‑puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi ||
(Brahma-saṁhitā: 5.53)

“I serve him, Govinda, the Original Person, by whose granted power alone are dharma, sins, the Śrutis, austerities, and all living beings beginning from Brahmā on down to worms and insects possessed of manifest influence.”


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