देवे वर्षति यज्ञविप्लवरुषा वज्राश्मवर्षानिलै:
सीदत्पालपशुस्त्रियात्मशरणं द‍ृष्ट्वानुकम्प्युत्स्मयन् ।
उत्पाट्यैककरेण शैलमबलो लीलोच्छिलीन्ध्रं यथा
बिभ्रद् गोष्ठमपान्महेन्द्रमदभित्प्रीयान्न इन्द्रो गवाम् ॥

deve varṣati yajña-viplava-ruṣā vajrāsma-varṣānilaiḥ
sīdat-pāla-paśu-striy ātma-śaraṇaṁ dṛṣṭvānukampy utsmayam |
utpāṭyaika-kareṇa śailam abalo līlocchilīndhraṁ yathā
bibrad goṣṭham apān mahendra-mada-bhit prīyān na indro gavām||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.26.25)

“Seeing the cowherd men, animals, and women sheltered in Him suffering from the lightning, hail, and wind cast down by Indra, who was angered by the disruption of the sacrifice, He compassionately smiled, lifted up Govardhan with one hand like a child playfully lifting up a mushroom, and protected Vraja. May this destroyer of Indra’s pride, the Lord of the cows, be pleased with us.”


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