
yogyaṁ yogyena yujyate

yogyaṁ yogyena yujyate |
(Unknown source; cited Bāṅgālā Bhāṣāra Abhidhāna; Surata-kathāmṛta: 43)

“That which is fit is united with that which is fit.”

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ādhyātmikādi maitreya jñātvā tāpa-trayaṁ budhaḥ

ādhyātmikādi maitreya jñātvā tāpa-trayaṁ budhaḥ |
utpanna-jñāna-vairāgyaḥ prāpnoty ātyantikaṁ layam |
ādhyātmiko’pi dvividhaḥ śārīro mānasas tathā |
śārīro bahubhir bhedair bhidyate śrūyatāṁ ca saḥ ||
śiro-roga-pratiśyāya-jvara-śūla-bhagandaraiḥ |
gulmārśaḥ-śvayathu-śvāsa-cchardyādibhir anekadhā ||
tathākṣi-rogātīsāra-kuṣṭhāṅgāmaya-saṁjñitaiḥ |
bhidyate dehajas tāpo mānasaṁ śrotum arhasi ||
kāma-krodha-bhaya-dveṣa-lobha-moha-viṣādajaḥ |
śokāsūyāvamānerṣyā-mātsaryādimayas tathā ||
mānaso’pi dvija-śreṣṭha tāpo bhavati naikadhā |
ity evam ādibhir bhedais tāpo hy ādhyātmikaḥ smṛtaḥ ||
mṛga-pakṣi-manuṣyādyaiḥ piśācoraga-rākṣasaiḥ |
sarīsṛpādyaiś ca nṛṇāṁ jāyate cādhibhautikaḥ ||
śīta-vātoṣṇa-varṣāmbu-vaidyutādi-samudbhavaḥ |
tāpo dvija-vara śreṣṭhaiḥ kathyate cādhidaivikaḥ ||
garbha-janma-jarājñāna-mṛtyu-nārakajaṁ tathā |
duḥkhaṁ sahasraśo bhedair bhidyate muni-sattama ||
(Viṣṇu Purāṇa: 6.5.1–9)

“O Maitreya, having understood the three miseries, [viz.,] ādhyātmikā and so forth, a wise person in whom knowledge (jñāna) and non-attachment (vairāgya) have arisen attains absolute dissolution [i.e., mokṣa]. Ādhyātmikā [misery], furthermore, is twofold: bodily and mental. The bodily [type] is divisible into many divisions. This too should be heared about. Misery produced by the body is divisible in various ways with names such as head diseases, colds, fevers, colic, fistula, splenomegaly, hemorrhoids, intumescence, asthma, vomiting, ophthalmia, dysentery, leprosy, rheumatism, and so forth. The mental [type of ādhyātmikā misery] is [also] befitting to hear of. O best of the twice-born, mental misery too occurs in various ways, such as that produced by lust, anger, fear, enmity, greed, delusion, and dejection, and that constituted of lamentation, detraction [i.e., attributing faults to others’ qualities], disrespect, hostility [i.e., non-forgiveness], envy [i.e., intolerance of another’s excellence], and so forth. In this way, ādhyātmika misery is known by many divisions. The ādhibhautika [misery] of human beings arises from animals, birds, [other] humans, piśācas, serpents, rākṣasas, reptiles, and so forth. Ādhidaivika misery is known by the exalted, O best of the twice born, as that produced by cold, wind, heat, rain, water, lightning, and so forth. O best of the sages, suffering produced by the womb, birth, aging, ignorance, death, and Naraka, is divisible in thousands of divisions.”

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yathā hy ekena cakreṇa na rathasya gatir bhavet

yathā hy ekena cakreṇa na rathasya gatir bhavet |
tathā puruṣakāreṇa vinā daivaṁ na siddhyati ||
(Hitopadeśa: Maṅgalācaraṇa, 30)

“As no movement shall occur of a chariot with only one wheel, so destiny does not accomplish anything without a person’s endeavor.”

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udyamena hi sidhyanti kāryāṇi na manorathaiḥ

udyamena hi sidhyanti kāryāṇi na manorathaiḥ |
na hi suptasya siṁhasya praviśanti mukhe mṛgāḥ ||
(Hitopadeśa: Maṅgalācaraṇa, 36; Pañcatantra: Mitra-samprāpti)

“Tasks are accomplished verily by industriousness, and not just by desires. Animals do not enter the mouth of a sleeping lion.”

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kāka-tāIīyavat prāptaṁ dṛṣṭvāpi nidhim agrataḥ

kāka-tāIīyavat prāptaṁ dṛṣṭvāpi nidhim agrataḥ |
na svayaṁ daivam ādatte puruṣārtham apekṣate ||
(Hitopadeśa: Maṅgalācaraṇa, 35)

“Destiny itself does not grant [one possession of] a jewel even after it has been seen present in the fore like the palm and the crow [i.e., by chance]. A person’s effort is [also] required [for one to obtain it].”

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yādṛcchikatvaṁ na tu karma-janitatvaṁ

yādṛcchikatvaṁ na tu karma-janitatvaṁ … |
(Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.10.17)

“Being yādṛcchika [lsly., “of independent cause”], and not rather, being produced by karma ….”

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tad ahaṁ tvad ṛte na nāthavān

tad ahaṁ tvad ṛte na nāthavān
mad ṛte tvaṁ dayanīyavān na ca |
vidhi-nirmitam etad anvayaṁ
bhagavan pālaya mā sma jīhaya ||
(Stotra-ratna: 51)

“Therefore, without you, I do not have a master, and without me, you do not have a suitable recipient for your grace. This is our relationship, formed by destiny. O Bhagavān, please protect me; do not ever reject me.”

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aprārthitāni duḥkhāni yathaivāyānti dehinām

aprārthitāni duḥkhāni yathaivāyānti dehinām |
sukhāny api tathā manye daivam atrātiricyate ||
(Tantrākhyāyika: 121; cited in ṭīkās to Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1.5.18)

“As unrequested sufferings certainly come to the embodied, so too do pleasures. I consider that destiny prevails in this regard.”

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ṛṣibhir bahvo loke panthānaḥ prakaṭī kṛtaḥ

ṛṣibhir bahvo loke panthānaḥ prakaṭī kṛtaḥ |
śrama-sādhyāś ca te sarve prāyaḥ svarga-phala-pradāḥ ||
vaikuṇṭha-sādhakaḥ panthāḥ sa tu gopyo hi vartate |
tasyopadeṣṭā puruṣaḥ prāyo bhāgyena labhyate ||
(Padma Purāṇa: Bhāgavata-māhātmya: 2.56–57)

“Many paths have been established in this world by ṛṣis, and they are all generally laborious and givers of the result known as Svarga. The path that leads to Vaikuṇṭha, however, is confidential, and a person who is a teacher of it is generally attained [only] by good fortune.”

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haraty aghaṁ samprati hetur eṣyataḥ

haraty aghaṁ samprati hetur eṣyataḥ
śubhasya pūrvācaritaiḥ kṛtaṁ śubhaiḥ |
śarīra-bhājāṁ bhavadīya-darśanaṁ
vyanakti kāla-tritaye’pi yogyatām ||
(Śiśupāla-vadha: 1.26)

[Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa addresses Nārada Muni upon his arrival in Dvārakā:] “Sight of you demonstrates indeed the virtue of embodied beings in the three phases of time: it removes impurity in the present, it is the cause of good fortune in the future, and it is attained by good works performed in the past.”

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