Dhyānacandra Gosvāmī

ekasmin vāsanā-dehe yadi cānyasya bhāvanā

ekasmin vāsanā-dehe yadi cānyasya bhāvanā |
tarhi tat-sāmyam eva syād yathā vai bharate nṛpe ||
(Bhakti-tattva-kaumudī; cited in Gaura-Govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati (149) of Gopāla Guru Gosvāmī and Dhyānacandra Govsāmī (152))

“If thought of another [body] occurs while in one cognitional body, then likeness with that specifically shall occur [i.e., then one will attain a body like the one that was thought of], as in the case of King Bharata [who attained the body of a deer after being prolongedly absorbed in thought of a deer he had taken into his care].”

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hariṁ surāga-mārgeṇa sevate yo narottamaḥ

hariṁ surāga-mārgeṇa sevate yo narottamaḥ |
kevalenaiva sa tadā gopikātvam iyād vraje ||
(Attributed to Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmīpāda in Aṣṭa-kālīya-līlā-smaraṇa-paddhati (148) of Gopāla Guru Gosvāmī and Dhyānacandra Govsāmī (151))

“An exalted human being who worships Hari by means of the excellent path of rāga [i.e., the path of rāgānugā-bhakti-sādhana] alone then attains the state of being a gopikā in Vraja.”

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śvetāmbaraṁ gaura-ruciṁ sanātanam |
śandaṁ sumālyābharaṇaṁ guṇālayaṁ
smarāmi sad-bhaktimayaṁ guruṁ harim ||
(Yāmala; cited in Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 1.15; Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.2)

“The eternal, beneficent abode of virtue filled with pure bhakti and possessed of lotus feet replete the nectar of grace, white cloth, golden luster, and the adornment of a fine garland—I meditate upon the guru, [who is] Hari.”

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śrīman-mauktika-dāma-baddha-cikuraṁ susmera-candrānanaṁ

śrīman-mauktika-dāma-baddha-cikuraṁ susmera-candrānanaṁ
śrīkhaṇḍāguru-cāru-citra-vasanaṁ srag-divya-bhūṣāñcitam |
nṛtyāveśa-rasānumoda-madhuraṁ kandarpa-veśojjvalaṁ
caitanyaṁ kanaka-dyutiṁ nija-janaiḥ saṁsevyamānaṁ bhaje ||
(Gaura-govindārcana-paddhati: 49; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.11)

“His hair bound with beautiful strings of pearls,
An excellent smile on his moon face,
Adorned with sandalwood paste, aguru, and charming, wondrous garments,
Bedecked with garlands and shining ornaments,
Mellifluous with delight
Ensuing from the rasa of absorption in dance,
And radiant in appearance more so than Kāmadeva—
I worship Śrī Caitanya of golden luster
As he is served by his personal associates.”

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ye caitanya-padāravinda-madhupāḥ sat-prema-bhūṣojjvalāḥ

ye caitanya-padāravinda-madhupāḥ sat-prema-bhūṣojjvalāḥ
śuddha-svarṇa-ruco dṛg-ambu-pulaka-svedaiḥ sad-aṅga-śriyaḥ |
sevopāyana-pāṇayaḥ smita-mukhāḥ śuklāmbarāḥ sad-varāḥ
śrīvāsādi-mahāśayān sukha-mayān dhyāyema tān pārṣadān ||
(Gaura-govinda-smaraṇa-paddhati: 1.53; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.13)

“Bees [lit., nectar-drinkers] in the lotus feet of Śrī Caitanya,
Radiant with the ornaments of true prema,
Their lusters pure gold,
Their fine figures adorned with tears, horripilation, and perspiration,
Their hands filled with service offerings,
Their faces smiling,
And their garments white—
We meditate upon them,
The best of the sādhus,
The great souls led by Śrīvāsa,
The joyful associates [of Śrī Gaurāṅga].”

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gadādhara namas tubhyaṁ

gadādhara namas tubhyaṁ yasya gaurāṅgo jīvanam |
(Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 23)

“O Gadādhara, obeisance unto you, whose life is Gaurāṅga.”

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kāruṇyaika-maranda-padma-caraṇaṁ caitanyacandra-dyutiṁ

kāruṇyaika-maranda-padma-caraṇaṁ caitanyacandra-dyutiṁ
tāmbūlārpaṇa-bhaṅgi-dakṣiṇa-karaṁ śvetāmbaraṁ sad-varam |
premānanda-tanuṁ sudhā-smita-mukhaṁ śrī-gauracandrekṣaṇaṁ
dhyāyec chrīla-gadādharaṁ dvija-varaṁ mādhurya-bhūṣojjvalam ||
(Gaura-Govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 52; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.14)

“The lotus of his feet filled solely with the nectar of compassion,
His luster like that of the moon Śrī Caitanya,
His right hand bent over offering pan,
His cloth white,
The best of the sādhus,
An embodiment of the bliss of prema,
His smiling face like nectar,
His glance fixed upon the moon Śrī Gaura—
Meditate on Śrīla Gadādhara,
The best of the twice-born,
Radiant with the adornment of mādhurya.”

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nityānandam ahaṁ vande

nityānandam ahaṁ vande karṇe lambita-mauktikam |
caitanyāgraja-rūpeṇa pavitrī-kṛta-bhū-talam ||
(Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 21)

“I offer obeisance to Nityānanda with a pearl dangling from his ear, who with his form as an elder brother of Caitanya purified the surface of the earth.”

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kañjārendra-vinindi-sundara-gati-śrī-pādam indīvara-

kañjārendra-vinindi-sundara-gati-śrī-pādam indīvara-
śreṇī-śyāma-sad-ambaraṁ tanu-rucā sāndhyendu-saṁmardakam |
nityānandam ahaṁ smarāmi satataṁ bhūṣojjvalāṅga-śriyam ||
(Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 50; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.12)

“The beautiful gait of his divine feet defames the king of elephants;
His fine, dark blue cloth resembles a cluster of blue lotus flowers;
With the luster of his figure, he completely pulverizes the evening moon;
Amidst his smiling face,
His fine lotus eyes, rolling with prema, defeat the pride of the wagtail [i.e., the bird of Kāmadeva];
I meditate continuously on Nityānanda,
His body adorned with splendid ornaments.”

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sad-bhaktāli-niṣevitāṅghri-kamalaṁ kundendu-śuklāmbaraṁ

sad-bhaktāli-niṣevitāṅghri-kamalaṁ kundendu-śuklāmbaraṁ
śuddha-svarṇa-ruciṁ subāhu-yugalaṁ smerānanaṁ sundaram |
śrī-caitanya-dṛśaṁ varābhaya-karaṁ premāṅga-bhūṣāñcitam
advaitaṁ satataṁ smarāmi paramānandaika-kandaṁ prabhum ||
(Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 51; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.13)

“The lotuses of his feet served by the bees of pure bhaktas,
His cloth kunda and moon white,
His luster pure gold,
His arms superlative,
His smiling face beautiful,
His sight on Śrī Caitanya,
His hands in [the mudrās of] benediction and refuge,
His figure adorned with the ornaments of prema—
I continuously meditate on Advaita Prabhu, the sole root of the highest bliss.”

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