
rāma—priye, kim etat

rāma—priye, kim etat |
viniścetuṁ śakyo na sukham iti vā duḥkham iti vā
pramoho nidrā vā kim u viṣa-visarpaḥ kim u madaḥ |
tava sparśe sparśe mama hi parimūḍhendriya-gaṇo
vikāraś caitanyaṁ bhramayati ca saṁmīlayati ca ||
sītā—sthira-prasādā yūyam ita idānīṁ kim aparam |
(Uttara-rāma-carita: 1.36)

[As Rāma takes Sītā into his arms to rest for some time:] “Rāma: ’My dear, what is this? I am not able to ascertain whether this is joy or sorrow. Is it stupor or sleep? Is it a diffusion of poison or inebriety? At your every touch, some feeling which bewilders my senses causes my consciousness to reel and fall faint.’ Sītā [replies]: ‘This is your everlasting graciousness [upon me]. What else could it be?’”

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preyo mitraṁ bandhutā vā samagrā

preyo mitraṁ bandhutā vā samagrā
sarve kāmāḥ śevadhir jīvitaṁ vā |
strīṇāṁ bhartā dharma-dārāś ca puṁsām
ity anyonyaṁ vatsayor jñātam astu ||
(Mālatī-mādhavam: 6.18)

“The supportive husband is for the woman, and the dharmic wife is for the man, a lover, a friend, all relatives, all desires, a treasure, and life [itself]. May this be known mutually between you dear youths.”

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vajrād api kaṭhorāṇi mṛdūni kusumād api

vajrād api kaṭhorāṇi mṛdūni kusumād api |
lokottarāṇāṁ cetāṁsi ko nu vijñātum īśvaraḥ ||
(Uttara-rāma-carita: 2.7; cited in Caitanya Caritāmṛta: 2.7.73)

“Who has the ability to understand hearts of extraordinary persons, which are [both] harder than a lightning bolt and softer than a flower?”

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ye nāma kecid iha naḥ prathayanti avajñāṁ

ye nāma kecid iha naḥ prathayanti avajñāṁ
jānanti te kim api tān prati naiṣa yatnaḥ |
utpatsyate tu mama ko’pi samāna-dharmā
kālo hy ayaṁ niravadhir vipulā ca pṛthvī ||
(Bhavabhūti’s Mālāti-mādhava: 1.8)

“Some may deride me. What do they know? This work [i.e., this book] is not for them. Someone of similar nature to me [i.e., an appreciator of my work], however, will come along [some day], since time is endless and this earth is vast.”

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laukikānāṁ hi sādhūnām

laukikānāṁ hi sādhūnām arthaṁ vāg anuvartate |
ṛṣīṇāṁ punar ādyānāṁ vācam artho’nudhāvati ||
(Uttara-rāma-carita of Bhavabhūti; Subhāṣita-ratna-bhāṇḍāgāra)

“The speech of ordinary adepts [i.e., kavis] follows the object [they describe], whereas the object runs after the speech of the original ṛṣis.”

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