प्रेयो मित्रं बन्धुता वा समग्रा
सर्वे कामाः शेवधिर्जीवितं वा ।
स्त्रीणां भर्ता धर्मदाराश्च पुंसा-
मित्यन्योन्यं वत्सयोर्ज्ञातमस्तु ॥
preyo mitraṁ bandhutā vā samagrā
sarve kāmāḥ śevadhir jīvitaṁ vā |
strīṇāṁ bhartā dharma-dārāś ca puṁsām
ity anyonyaṁ vatsayor jñātam astu ||
(Mālatī-mādhavam: 6.18)
“The supportive husband is for the woman, and the dharmic wife is for the man, a lover, a friend, all relatives, all desires, a treasure, and life [itself]. May this be known mutually between you dear youths.”