
asthūlaś cānaṇuś caiva sthūlo’ṇuś caiva sarvataḥ

asthūlaś cānaṇuś caiva sthūlo’ṇuś caiva sarvataḥ |
avarṇaḥ sarvataḥ proktaḥ śyāmo raktānta-locanaḥ |
aiśvarya-yogād bhagavān viruddhārtho’bhidhīyate ||
tathāpi doṣāḥ parame naivāhāryāḥ kathañcana |
guṇā viruddhā apy ete samāhāryāḥ samantataḥ ||
(Kūrma Purāṇa; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.242–243)

“Said to be in all respects non-gross and non-subtle as well as gross and subtle, in all respects colorless as well as swarthy and of eyes with reddish corners—by virtue of his capability (aiśvarya), Bhagavān is described as an entity possessed of contradiction [i.e., one in whom contradictory characteristics coexist]. Nevertheless, faults are never to be ascribed to the Supreme by any means. Even these contradictory qualities are to be fully integrated [in him, i.e., understood to coexist and function cooperatively].”

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asthūlaś cānaṇuś caiva sthūlo’ṇuś caiva sarvataḥ Read on →

mitho virodhino’py atra kecin nigaditā guṇāḥ

mitho virodhino’py atra kecin nigaditā guṇāḥ |
harau niraṅkuśaiśvaryāt ko’pi na syād asambhavaḥ ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.241)

“Although some of the aforementioned qualities [of Hari] are contradictory to one another, no sort of impossibility can exist in Hari on account of [his] unchecked capability (aiśvarya) [i.e., his being capable of subduing all and his being the shelter of all].”

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mitho virodhino’py atra kecin nigaditā guṇāḥ Read on →

sarva-laukikātīte’pi tasmin laukikārtha-viśeṣopamā-dvārā

sarva-laukikātīte’pi tasmin laukikārtha-viśeṣopamā-dvārā lokānāṁ buddhi-praveśaḥsyād iti kenāpy aṁśenopameyam |
(Durgama-saṅgamanī-ṭīkā on Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.1.1)

“People’s intellect can have [some limited] entrance into that [i.e., the subject matter of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, bhakti-rasa, and so forth], even though it is beyond everything of the world, through comparisons [made] with particular worldly objects. Thus, it is comparable in some respect [i.e., things of the world can be compared to particular aspects of it as required to convey general knowledge of those aspects of its nature].”

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sarva-laukikātīte’pi tasmin laukikārtha-viśeṣopamā-dvārā Read on →

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