भूमौ स्खलितपादानां भूमिरेवावलम्बनम् ।
त्वयि जातापराधानां त्वमेव शरणं प्रभो ॥

bhūmau skhalita-pādānāṁ bhūmir evāvalambanam |
tvayi jātāparādhānāṁ tvam eva śaraṇaṁ prabho ||
(Skanda Purāṇa:; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.26)

“The ground is the only support for those whose feet have tripped on the ground. [Similarly,] You are the only shelter for those who have committed offense to you, O Master!”


An articulation of this verse can be found in the prayer of a wayward brāhmaṇa to Śrīman Nityānanda Prabhu in Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata (3.5.627–628):

ye jana āchāḍa prabhu pṛthivīte khāya |
punaś ca pṛthivī tāre hayena sahāya ||
ei mata ye tomāte aparādha kare |
śeṣe seho tomāra smaraṇe duḥkha tare ||

“O Prabhu, the ground again becomes the support of one who slips and hits the ground [i.e., it does not decline to support even those who strike it, and rather, it holds them on its lap]. Similarly, one who has committed offense to you ultimately overcomes the suffering [that ensues as a result of offending you] by means of remembrance of you.”

A similar verse can be found elsewhere in the same text:

tvayi vipratipannasya tvam eva śaraṇaṁ prabho |
bhūmau skhalita-pādānāṁ bhūmir evāvalambanam ||
(Skanda Purāṇa:

“You are the only shelter for those who are mistaken in regard to you, O Master! The ground is the only support for those whose feet have tripped on the ground.”


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