अपृष्टोऽपि हितं ब्रूयात्यस्य नेच्छेत्पराभवम् ।
एष एव सतां धर्मो विपरीतमतोऽन्यथा ॥

apṛṣṭo’pi hitaṁ brūyāt yasya necchet parābhavam |
eṣa eva satāṁ dharmo viparīta-mato’nyathā ||
(Hitopadeśa: 2.140)

“Even if unasked, say that which is beneficial [i.e., give good advice] to someone whose downfall you do not desire. This is certainly the dharma of the sādhus, and the opposite mentality is otherwise [i.e., not doing so is the way of the unwholesome].”


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