अङ्गानि वेदाश्चत्वारो मीमांसा न्यायविस्तरः ।
पुराणं धर्मशास्त्रं च विद्या ह्येताश्चतुर्दश ॥
आयुर्वेदो धनुर्वेदो गान्धर्वश्चैव ते त्रयः ।
अर्थशास्त्रं चतुर्थं तु विद्या ह्यष्टादशैव ताः ॥
aṅgāni vedāś catvāro mīmāṁsā nyāya-vistaraḥ |
purāṇaṁ dharma-śāstraṁ ca vidyā hy etāś caturdaśa ||
āyurvedo dhanur-vedo gāndharvaś caiva te trayaḥ |
artha-śāstraṁ caturthaṁ tu vidyā hy aṣṭādaśaiva tāḥ ||
(Viṣṇu Purāṇa: 3.6.28–29)
“The [six] aṅgas [of the Veda, viz., śikṣā (pronunciation), kalpa (ritual), jyotiśa (astrology), chanda (meter), nirukti (etymology), and vyākaraṇa (grammar)], the four Vedas [viz., Ṛg-veda, Sāma-veda, Yajur-veda and Atharva-veda], Mīmāṁsā [i.e., exegesis of the Veda], the extensive nyāya (logic), the Purāṇas, and the dharma-śāstras (law)—these are the fourteen vidyās (sciences). Āyurveda (medicine), dhanurveda [i.e., weaponry, alliance, warfare, and so forth], gāndharva-veda [i.e., arts such as music, dance, and performance]—these three, and a fourth, artha-śāstra [i.e., polity, ethics, and so forth]—[in sum] these are the eighteen vidyās.”