ये चैतन्यपदारविन्दमधुपाः सत्प्रेमभूषोज्ज्वलाः
शुद्धस्वर्णरुचो दृगम्बुपुलकस्वेदैः सदङ्गश्रियः ।
सेवोपायनपाणयः स्मितमुखाः शुक्लाम्बराः सद्वराः
श्रीवासादिमहाशयान्सुखमयान्ध्यायेम तान्पार्षदान् ॥

ye caitanya-padāravinda-madhupāḥ sat-prema-bhūṣojjvalāḥ
śuddha-svarṇa-ruco dṛg-ambu-pulaka-svedaiḥ sad-aṅga-śriyaḥ |
sevopāyana-pāṇayaḥ smita-mukhāḥ śuklāmbarāḥ sad-varāḥ
śrīvāsādi-mahāśayān sukha-mayān dhyāyema tān pārṣadān ||
(Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 1.53; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.13)

“Bees [lit., nectar-drinkers] in the lotus feet of Śrī Caitanya,
Radiant with the ornaments of true prema,
Their lusters pure gold,
Their fine figures adorned with tears, horripilation, and perspiration, 
Their hands filled with service offerings,
Their faces smiling,
And their garments white—
We meditate upon them,
The best of the sādhus,
The great souls led by Śrīvāsa,
The joyful associates [of Śrī Gaurāṅga].”


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