यथा खरश्चन्दनभारवाही भारस्य वेत्ता न तु चन्दन्दस्य ।
एवं हि शास्त्राणि बहून्यधीत्य चार्थेषु मूढाः खरवद्वहन्ति ॥

yathā kharaś candana-bhāra-vāhī bhārasya vettā na tu candandasya |
evaṁ hi śāstrāṇi bahūny adhītya cārtheṣu mūḍhāḥ kharavad vahanti ||
(Suśruta-saṁhitā: Sūtra-sthāna, 4)

“As a donkey carrying a load of sandalwood knows its weight but not the [fragrance of the] sandalwood, so even after studying numerous śāstras, those ignorant of their meaning simply carry them [in their minds] like donkeys [i.e., they never experience the substance that makes the labor of their study and memorization meaningful—the wisdom the śāstras convey].”


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