य एकः सर्वरूपाणां सर्वनाम्नां तथाश्रयः ।
तस्य विष्णोः पदं सर्वं विष्णुभक्त्या निरूप्यते ॥
ya ekaḥ sarva-rūpāṇāṁ sarva-nāmnāṁ tathāśrayaḥ |
tasya viṣṇoḥ padaṁ sarvaṁ viṣṇubhaktyā nirūpyate ||
(Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa: Nāma-prakāraṇa, 1)
[General meaning:] “All the abodes of Viṣṇu, he who is the only shelter of all forms and all names, are perceived through Viṣṇu-bhakti.”
[Grammatical meaning:] “All padas [i.e., inflected words] are produced through [application of] a viṣṇubhakti [i.e., a suffix] and related to Viṣṇu, he who is the only shelter of all nāmas [i.e., of all nominal bases, or, of all pronouns] and all forms [i.e., of all the forms of inflected words].”