प्रवर्तन्ते क्रियाः सर्वा यतोऽर्वाचीनवस्तुषु ।
हरेस्तस्यैव लीलास्ता निरूप्यन्ते यथामति ॥

pravartante kriyāḥ sarvā yato’rvācīna-vastuṣu |
hares tasyaiva līlās tā nirūpyante yathā-mati ||
(Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa: Ākhyāta-prakaraṇa, 1)

“Hari from whom all kriyās [i.e., actions and verbs, that is, words that refer to actions] proceed into the midst of modern-day objects [i.e., worldly objects]—those līlās of his alone are described [here in this section (prakaraṇa) about verbs by me] according to my understanding.”


kriyā-pada-nirūpaṇasyāpi hari-līlā-nirūpaṇatvam eveti pratipādayann ākhyāta-prakaraṇaṁ prakramate … | sarvāḥ kriyāḥ bhavati śobhate naśyatīty-ādayaḥ lakṣaṇayā tad-vāci padāni ca … | śrī-hari-kṛta-līlā eva kriyā-rūpeṇa vyajyamānā lokeṣu vyavahriyante, ataḥ kriyā-nirūpaṇenaiva hari-līlānuśīlanam eva bhavatīti tātparyam |
(Excerpt from the Amṛta-ṭīkā)

“The Ākhyāta-prakaraṇa begins by stating that even describing kriyāpadas [i.e., verbs, that is, words that refer to actions] is itself [a way of] describing Hari’s līlā. … ‘All kriyās’ refers to existing, shining, waning, and so on [i.e., all actions], and by indication (lakṣaṇā), [refers to] words that describe these [actions] as well [i.e., verbs]. … The līlās performed by Śrī Hari proceed throughout all lokas, being expressed [throughout them] in the form of kriyās [i.e., both actions and verbs]. Therefore, just by describing kriyās [i.e., again both actions and verbs], study of Hari’s līlā itself occurs. This is the intention.”


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