भवनेष्वस्त्वपि कीटजन्म मे ।
इतरावसथेषु मा स्म भू-
दपि मे जन्म चतुर्मुखात्मना ॥

tava dāsya-sukhaika-saṅgināṁ
bhavaneṣv astv api kīṭa-janma me |
itarāvasatheṣu mā sma bhūd
api me janma caturmukhātmanā ||
(Stotra-ratna: 55)

“Let me take birth, even as a worm, in the homes of those whose only attachment is to the happiness of your service. Never let me take birth, even as he of four faces [i.e., Lord Brahmā], in any other situation.”


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