तत्रत्यानां जीवमात्राणामेव क्षेमं कर्तुमिति ततश्च कालियागमनेन तेषां सर्वेषामक्षेममेवाभूदिति महदपराधिनः कृपापि विपरीत-फलव भवेदिति द्योतितम् ।

tatratyānāṁ jīva-mātrāṇām eva kṣemaṁ kartum iti tataś ca kāliyāgamanena teṣāṁ sarveṣām akṣemam evābhūd iti mahad-aparādhinaḥ kṛpāpi viparīta-phalava bhaved iti dyotitam |
(Excerpt from the Sārārtha-darśinī-ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.17.10)

“Regarding [Saubhari’s speaking] ‘to [try to] benefit all the jīvas situated there,” thereafter, with Kāliya’s arrival, all of them were only harmed [rather than benefitted], and thus even the grace of one who is an aparādhī against great persons may produce opposite results. This is illustrated [by Saubhari’s aparādha to Gaurḍa].”


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