तस्मिन् श्रीहरिराधयोर्युगलितं यद्भाति कुण्दद्वयं
संसङ्गेन परस्परं परिमलान्मन्ये तयोस्तन्मिषम् ।
प्रेमासीत्प्रकटं यतः श्वसनकैः कम्पान्वितं जाड्ययुग् भक्तार्द्रस्थितिकृच्च तद्घनरसाकारं दरीदृश्यते ॥
tasmin śrī-hari-rādhayor yugalitaṁ yad bhāti kuṇda-dvayaṁ
saṁsaṅgena parasparaṁ parimalān manye tayos tan-miṣam |
premāsīt prakaṭaṁ yataḥ
śvasanakaiḥ kampānvitaṁ jāḍya-yug
bhaktārdra-sthiti-kṛc ca tad ghana-rasākāraṁ darīdṛśyate ||
(Gopāla-campū: 1.9)
“The united pair of Śrī Hari and Rādhā’s kuṇḍas
Which shine there [i.e., at Govardhana]—
On account of the fragrance (parimala) [arising] from meeting one another [as their garlands are crushed against each other],
I consider that their [i.e., Rādhā and Śrī Hari’s] prema [for one another]
Has manifested on this pretext [i.e., in the forms of these kuṇḍas]
Since that [i.e., their prema] is fully visible [in these kuṇḍas]
In the form of water (ghana-rasa)
Which is filled with wavering (kampānvitaṁ)
Because of the winds (śvasanakaiḥ),
Possessed of coolness (jāḍya-yug),
And a cause of wetness (ārdra-stithi) for bhaktas [who bathe in them]
[Alt., I consider that their prema has manifested in the forms of these kuṇḍas]
Since their prema is experienced at the site of these kuṇḍas
In the form of thick rasa (ghana-rasa)
Which leads to one becoming filled with trembling (kampānvitaṁ)
As a result of breathing heavily (śvasanakaiḥ),
Creates stupor (jāḍya-yug),
And causes meltedness (ārdra-stithi) [of the heart] of bhaktas.”