तस्मै स विद्वानुपसन्नाय सम्य-
क्प्रशान्तचित्ताय शमान्विताय ।
येनाक्षरं पुरुषं वेद सत्यं
प्रोवाच तां तत्त्वतो ब्रह्मविद्याम् ॥

tasmai sa vidvān upasannāya samyak
praśānta-cittāya śamānvitāya |
yenākṣaraṁ puruṣaṁ veda satyaṁ
provāca tāṁ tattvato brahma-vidyām ||
(Muṇḍaka Upaniṣad: 1.2.13)

“To him of tranquil mind endowed with repose who has approached properly, that knower [of Brahman, i.e., the guru] should teach exactly that knowledge of Brahman by which the true imperishable Puruṣa is known.”


Śrīpāda Śaṅkarācārya comments that “properly” (samyak) means according to śāstra (yathā-śāstram), “of tranquil mind” (praśānta-cittāya) means one who has cast off faults such as pride (uparata-darpādi-doṣāya), and “endowed with repose” (śamānvitāya) means one who has restrained the external senses and is indifferent towards everything [else] (bāhyendriyoparameṇa ca yuktāya sarvato viraktāya).


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