तन्माधुर्यं भवेद्यत्र चेष्टादेः स्पृहणीयता ॥
कदम्बैः प्रालम्बं प्रवलितविलम्बं विरचयन् ।
प्रपन्नायामग्रे मिहिरदुहितुस्तीर्थपदवीं
कुरङ्गीनेत्रायां मधुरिपुरपाङ्गं विकिरति ॥
tan mādhuryaṁ bhaved yatra ceṣṭādeḥ spṛhaṇīyatā ||
varām adhyāsīnas taṭa-bhuvam avaṣṭambha-rucibhiḥ
kadambaiḥ prālambaṁ pravalita-vilambaṁ viracayan |
prapannāyām agre mihira-duhitus tīrtha-padavīṁ
kuraṅgī-netrāyāṁ madhu-ripur apāṅgaṁ vikirati ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.257)
“That wherein desirability of movement and so forth shall occur is [called] mādhurya, as in [the following illustration]:
‘While sitting on the splendid bank of the Daughter of Sun [i.e., the Yamunā] and making a long-delayed garland that hangs to the breast with golden-hued kadambas, Murāri cast a side-long glance before she of doe-eyes [i.e., Śrī Rādhā] arriving on the path to the ghat.’”