तदेवमनन्ता एव जीवाख्यास्तटस्थाः शक्तयः । तत्र तासां वर्गद्वयम् । एको वर्गोऽनादित एव भगवदुन्मुखः, अन्यस्त्वनादित एव भगवत्पराङ्मुखः, स्वभावतस्तदीयज्ञानभावात्तदीयज्ञानाभावाच्च ।
tad evam anantā eva jīvākhyās taṭasthāḥ śaktayaḥ | tatra tāsāṁ varga-dvayam | eko vargo’nādita eva bhagavad-unmukhaḥ, anyas tv anādita eva bhagavat-parāṅmukhaḥ, svabhāvatas tadīya-jñāna-bhāvāt tadīya-jñānābhāvāc ca |
(Paramātma Sandarbha: 47)
“Thus, in this way, the taṭastha-śaktis [i.e., the entities constituted of the taṭastha-śakti] known as jīvas, are limitless [i.e., innumerable]. Therein, there are two classes of them. Naturally, one class is intent upon Bhagavān (Bhagavad-unmukha) beginninglessly, whereas the other is averse to Bhagavān (Bhagavat-parāṅmukha) beginninglessly, because of the presence of awareness of him and the absence of awareness of him [in these two classes respectively].”